About stock transaction procedures

  1. For information on the different procedures related to Mitani Sangyo's stock, in principal, inquire with the account management institution (securities company, etc.) with which you opened an account.
    Be aware that the shareholder registry administrator cannot respond to such inquiries.
  2. Regarding procedures related to Mitani Sangyo's stock recorded to a special account, inquire with Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, the special accounts management organization. Be aware that we have commissioned this work to Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation branches throughout Japan.
  3. Unclaimed dividends will be paid at the main office and branch of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

To shareholders in possession of fractional unit shares:

Fractional unit shares (between 1 and 99 shares) can request may be made through an account management institution for Mitani Sangyo to buy them or sell them.
For information on the procedure, inquire with your account management institution.

To shareholders using special accounts

Share units recorded to special accounts cannot be sold while they remain in a special account.
To smoothly conduct sales, etc., of stock, we recommend you open an account at a securities company, etc., and complete the procedure to transfer the shares from your special account.
For information on the procedure, inquire with the account management institution listed below.


Securities Agency Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

1-1 Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, Japan 183-0044


Reception hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on weekends and holidays