As a company that is part of society, we will carry out risk management that contributes to the development of society by discussing a wide range of risks that affect our business from a medium-to-long-term perspective through our Board of Directors and Risk Management Committee and conscientiously doing the things we need to do.
Furthermore, we will find opportunities in risks and solve social issues through our business activities.
Mitani Sangyo Group will earn the trust of our stakeholders and fulfill our corporate social responsibility by endeavoring to understand the various risks faced by the Group and take measures against such risks in order to reduce the frequency of occurrence and minimize losses.
At Mitani Sangyo, the Risk Management Committee reports important matters concerning risk management to the Board of Directors and the Management Conference.
The Board of Directors discusses and decides on important matters concerning company-wide risks, such as the formulation of policies for responding to risks and business opportunities, business initiatives, etc.
The Risk Management Committee, with the CSR HQ serving as its secretariat, deliberates the results of risk analysis in each business division and Group company.
Each business division and Group company reflects the outcomes of the Risk Management Committee's deliberation in the implementation of risk countermeasures and the execution of business.
We have also established an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001 to respond to environmental issues, and the outcomes of EMS activities are reported to the Risk Management Committee.
Mitani Sangyo Group has established a Risk Management Committee to oversee the Group's risk management activities. The Committee meets four times a year.
Each business division and Group company considers business-specific risks from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective based on the Mitani Sangyo Group risk management policy. These risks are aggregated and scrutinized by the Risk Management Committee secretariat, and the Risk Management Committee deliberates on and takes measures against risks that have a high impact & high probability of occurrence as well as Group-wide risks.
In addition to classifying risks into eight fields (natural disasters, business incidents, financial, strategic, economic/social factors, legal, internal human factors, external human factors) and analyzing such risks, we view long-term environmental changes such as climate change and demographic changes as social change risks that need to be analyzed and addressed.
The Mitani Sangyo Group implements measures against various risks surrounding our business. Business continuity plans assuming earthquake disasters, information security incidents, and infectious disease pandemics have been formulated for each business division and Group company, and systems are in place to respond quickly and accurately in order to minimize damage in the event of a crisis or emergency that has a significant impact on the business, or when there is a growing concern about the occurrence of such a crisis or emergency.
In particular, we hold Group-wide training six times a year for disasters thought likely to occur in the future such as an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Nankai Trough earthquake, and perform simulations of such disasters for each company and business division to refine business continuity plans.
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