Mitani Sangyo began doing business in Vietnam in 1994.
There are seven Mitani Sangyo Group companies in the country.
And about 2,400 Group employees are Vietnamese,
representing about 70 percent of the total.
It is impossible to tell the story of Mitani Sangyo
without also talking about Vietnam.
In 1993, then company president and current Special Advisor Mitsuru Mitani
visited various Asian countries exploring ways
to expand the company internationally.
The last country he visited was Vietnam.
It's a socialist country, but in 1986, under the Đổi Mới policy,
it finally introduced a market economy.
Vietnam has an entirely different social system from Japan's,
and there was no telling what kind of business would be possible there.
However, the people there were full of youthful energy
and believed in a better future,
and their eyes were full of hope.
"This country will definitely become a major power",
Mitsuru Mitani thought.
This intuition on his part was the deciding factor in the company's expansion into Vietnam.
"Aureole" is a French word that means "glory," and we use it as part of the names of the group of companies we've established in Vietnam.
In 1994, for starters, Mitani Sangyo established Thangloi-Aureole J/V Enterprise under joint management with a Vietnamese state-run company. The venture came at a time when there were few Japanese companies in Vietnam and it had to feel its way and explore for business opportunities while expanding its local network.
In 1997, we established Mitani Aureole Vietnam Inc. (now AMCE)
as the Mitani Sangyo Group's first solo investment.
To support the Vietnam business of a customer
we had had dealings with in Japan,
it began locally procuring and manufacturing basic chemicals
in Vietnam and selling them using Mitani Sangyo's delivery network.
As the economy of Vietnam as a whole grew,
the business areas of the Aureole group began to expand
as it adapted to Vietnamese business practices.
As a result, the group has grown today to seven companies with 17 locations,
and as manufacturing bases, they are a driving force
behind the growth of the entire Mitani Sangyo Group.
About a quarter century ago,
we expanded into Vietnam and put down roots in the region
at a very early date for a Japanese company.
The network we have built there is a great asset to us.
With the people of this country that has seen remarkable economic development,
Mitani Sangyo will continue creating businesses and create a better future.
Population | 99.46 million |
Capital | Hanoi |
Language | Vietnamese |
Main industries | Agriculture, Mining and Manufacturing, Building, and the other servises |
GDP | Approximately US$413.8 Billion |
Economic growth rate | 8.02 percent |
Note: Based on 2022 statistics (from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)
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